
Team - TryHackMe

A beginner friendly box that teaches the importance of doing your enumeration well. It starts of by finding a virtual host(vhost) that leads you to a dead end(a bootstrap themed webpage).

Cheesey CheeseyJack - VulnHub

Cheeseyjack aims to be an easy to medium level real-world-like box. Everything on this box is designed to make sense, and possibly teach you something. Enumeration will be key when attacking this machine. Hint: A cewl tool can help you get past a login page.

Symfonos:1 - VulnHub

Beginner real life based machine designed to teach a interesting way of obtaining a low priv shell. SHOULD work for both VMware and Virtualbox. - Name: symfonos: 1 - Difficulty: Beginner - Tested: VMware Workstation 15 Pro & VirtualBox 6.0 - DHCP Enabled