Venom - VulnHub
This machine was created for the OSCP Preparation.This box was created with virtualbox. Enumeration is the Key.
ftp hash base64 suid php pythonThis machine was created for the OSCP Preparation.This box was created with virtualbox. Enumeration is the Key.
ftp hash base64 suid php pythonA beginner friendly box that teaches the importance of doing your enumeration well. It starts of by finding a virtual host(vhost) that leads you to a dead end(a bootstrap themed webpage).
subdomain source lfi lxd dockerCheeseyjack aims to be an easy to medium level real-world-like box. Everything on this box is designed to make sense, and possibly teach you something. Enumeration will be key when attacking this machine. Hint: A cewl tool can help you get past a login page.
burpsuite php csrf python sudoerDifficulty: Easy It’s a box for beginners, but not easy, Good Luck Hint: Don’t waste your time For Brute-Force
burpsuite php rce python hijackingCan you get access and get both flags? Good Luck!.
hydra wordpress rce php suidCloud Anti-Virus Scanner! is a cloud-based antivirus scanning service. Currently, it’s in beta mode. You’ve been asked to test the setup and find vulnerabilities and escalate privs. Difficulty: Easy
sqli command injection python scriptShoppy was one of the easier HackTheBox weekly machines to exploit, though identifying the exploits for the initial foothold could be a bit tricky.
nosql mongodb subdomain dockerThe hack the box ambassador is a medium-level Linux Web Exploitation machine that has a few CVEs.
mysql hashes transversal github pythonDifficulty: Easy Description: An easy box totally made for OSCP. No bruteforce is required. Aim: To get root shell
mysql seeddms php sudoerBeginner real life based machine designed to teach a interesting way of obtaining a low priv shell. SHOULD work for both VMware and Virtualbox. - Name: symfonos: 1 - Difficulty: Beginner - Tested: VMware Workstation 15 Pro & VirtualBox 6.0 - DHCP Enabled
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